
Minggu, 22 Mei 2011

Tommy Soemarni & Co - Nostalgia di SMP 2

Album Title: Nostalgia Di SMP 2
Singer: Tommy Soemarni & Co.
Production Year: 1988
Producer: Tommy Soemarni
Production: Billboard Indonesia

TOMMY SOEMARNI & CO? anyone know the name of this group? force now may be frowned hearing the name. Force 80's maybe not all aware, but if it is sung: "i will wait for you at the school gate ... would you take me home .." It was they who experienced adolescence in the late 80s will surely remember the smiles and back nostalgic IN SMP. The group led by TOMMY SOEMARNI (son of Titien SOEMARNI, movie stars tempo doeloe) this does not generate a lot of hits. Their first album Nostalgia DI SMP 1 also responded to market mediocre. It's so they rarely covered in the media so that people less aware. Though the song FIRST RANKING could be a children's anthem junior / senior high school at that time. First heard it might sound strange. Sound vocalist (PIYA TOLANI) naive and innocent sounding, such as not using the techniques when singing. Plus liukan melody at the end of the reff who also sounded odd. But precisely because of 'irregularities' without realizing that this song is so stuck in the memory of the brain and eventually much preferred. Unfortunately, this popularity is not in well-maintenance so that the next project continuation was not heard until today. Other hits from this album FIRST LOVE.

Track List
(all songs cipt. Tommy Soemarni)



Didalam kelas aku termenung
Ingat ulahmu di kantin tadi
Adakah kau hanya bergurau saja
Kau bilang naksir padaku

Rasa gelisah dimana kamu
Aku melirik ke bangku samping
Rupanya kau sedang tersenyum manis
Membuat aku tersipu

Kutunggu kamu di gerbang sekolah
Maukah kamu mengantarku pulang
Aduh senangnya jalan kaki
Bersama kamu lala.. lala...
Bersama kamu lala.. lala..

Seindah dalam cerpen remaja
Bergandeng tangan, berlari kecil
Kau adalah cowok ranking pertama
Bangganya aku padamu


Kamis, 19 Mei 2011

U9 - Complex - 2006

Many thought, U9 band already broke up, the band from East Java Kediri it seems like the slanting still there, since Indonesia became champions of rock festival log zhelebour IX 2001 version, they only released one album "The Champion Of All Indonesian Rock Festival IX" the release in July 2004.

During two years of waiting, the band changed personnel several times it finally re-released the album, still with log zhelebour with the title "Complex" in early July 2006. This album became the first album, since joining the former guitarist boomerang, john paul ivan as personnel and equipment, completing the formation of Hendra {Vocal}, Ferdi{Drums}, Nanda{kibord}, Sunu {Guitar}, and Eeng{Bass}

Talk about his new album, U9 which in previous albums thick with the color of progressive rock, who reputedly received so heavy in the market, now more keen to see the market. album "complex" bring U9 on musical change towards a more modern rock.

And talk about the themes in the album "complex" is U9 will raise the general theme of reality, the story is indeed a lot of lyrics that reveal the reality of the journey of love, family, democracy, politicians promise, competition career and achievements, to instill the spirit of sportsmanship that complex life .

with single tops miss perfectionist, U9 offers 14 songs that are musically richer. Other songs also have an attractive title and musicality, as with all my love, life, sportsmanship complex, trust, or one department.

Track List

01. Miss Perfeksionis
02. Kampanye Kosong
03. Dengan Sepenuh Cinta
04. Kehidupan
05. Sportifitas Complex
06. Rasa Percaya Ft Natasya
07. Jangan Nanggung
08. Dengarkan
09. Bebas
10. Dua Hati
11. Batal Liburan
12. UUR (Undang Undang Rumah)
13. Cinta Adalah Cinta
14. Salah Jurusan


U9 - The Champion Of All Indonesian Rock Festival IX - 2004

U9 form 11 September 1997 in Surabaya, East Java. Through the creation of his own song titled Illusions, and free song titled Musician's God Bless, music group that eventually formed the forerunner of the school band in junior high I Kediri was crowned as the best rock group of participants 500s Djarum Super Rock Festival IX, having managed to set aside nine rivals in the grand final, which was held Tambaksari Stadium - Surat, August 25, 2001.

Appearance Purple 5 which then changed its name so U9 as the first winner in the festival as well as the opportunity and the chance to go into the recording path. "That's what they've been waiting for," What a dream at the same time obsession rock group from Kediri reinforced Henderson (vocals), Tyo (guitar 1), Sunu (guitar 2), Iwan (bass), Nanda (keyboards), and Ferdinand (drums), finally became reality with the release of their debut album titled The Champion Of "All Indonesian Rock Festival IX (2001), which was released in June 2004.

They also still remember when the song Illusions was criticized by one of the jury at the festival, many influenced by the color of Dream Theater. They did not dismiss that Dream Theater a lot to give effect to the U9. Because all personnel U9 is a great admirer of the group. "On stage we are most often brought their songs. Incidentally our music is more into progressive rock," said Hendra. "As it happens we all like progressive rock, so rock that we play him more to it, to progressive rock" added Ferdinand, who was selected as the best dram penggebuk Djarum Super Rock Festival IX.

Problem music concept album itself, according to Henderson, is more into progressive rock. But progressive rocknya not as complicated as their idol group, Dream Theater. Admittedly, to play progressive rock relatively high difficulty level, but in fact it is so challenging U9 personnel. "As it happens now not many bands that go there, just wanted to U9 direction of prog rock," said Ferdinand added.

Seeing the level of the band trip, in fact hardly a new band. Personnel initially Ferdinand Iskandar (dramer), Nanda Iskandar (keyboards), DaniIwan Prast (base), and Hendra Darmawan (vocals). For local class of East Java, who is not familiar with the band in Kediri berhomebase this. Some small festivals that they follow, giving many the best title to the band and its personnel. Until finally champion at rock festivals.

In the journey, Purple Five must give Daniel (guitarist) who came out for personal reasons and recruit Tyo as new guitarist. U9 choose progressive rock as a stream which they profess with the consideration of art rock is famous for its level of difficulty and they were very proud if I can play hard with a good composition but not every concert they play it because not everyone liked him.

U9 is also not difficult to show that progressive music lovers on the same tract of land water in the album later, they make the existing progressive elements of sweet and harmony. With a shorter duration.

About the influence of music, Purple Five confess actually inspired by personnel only. to them their music is music education.

For this new album, they gave the title U9 1st Album Of The Champion "All Indonesian Rock Festival IX" which rely hits False Me. Now they membered Henderson (vocals), Tyo (guitar), Sunu (guitar), Iwan (bass), Nanda (keyboards), and Ferdinand (drums).

Please download one by one on eachsong

Preview only wrote all the songs, please buy a cassette or CD atthe store nearest store if there is still

Track list

01.  Salah Aku
02.  Terbuang
03.  Masih Sayang
04.  Jangan Paksakan Cinta
05.  Seperti
06.  Rahasia Hidup
07.  So That Why
08.  Artikan Sendiri
09.  Sudahi Saja
10.  Dehidrasi Otak
11.  All About Love
12.  Hanya Dirimu

Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

Legend of Love Baridin And Ratminah

Once in a village named Jagapura, Kab. Cirebon, long ago there was a young man named Baridin, Baridin village youth who are poor and unemployed, rough skin rather budug, he loves a flower girl in her village village named Ratminah, beautiful Ratminah it has a temperament that is not good, he was cocky and arrogant, always insulting people, Ratminah Princess Landlord itself is in the village named Squire Dam and Nyai Wangsih, both parents were very hated Ratminah Baridin.
One day Baridin Ratminah also expressed her love, but Baridin must accept the fact he despised, and reviled by Ratminah, Ratminah also spat on the ground. Then say “Bagen crazy, from the rabbi dadi sira.” (let crazy, than your wife.)
Knowing the meaning of one hand clapping and even accept insults like that, Baridin not remain silent, his heart hot humiliated and his dignity trampled by Ratminah treatment, his love for the Ratminah now turned into a profound grudge, then go Baridin met a hermit, by an Baridin hermit, it is advisable to practice a spell, the spell must be read while imprisoned for 40 days and 40 nights, and Baridin undertakes the requirements given hermit.
Baridin alright if your determination was made, take a comfortable position that you think, remember Baridin first 3 days, the person whom you kerjai will remember you, then 7 days of the first people you will always mention your name and hold – again, and after you finish 40 days 40 nights, if not immediately marry the person you’re going crazy because the bias is so great love you. “hermit Baridin reminded again that his desire to rethink the reckless and risky, it is already dark Baridin heart can no longer think clearly , who is in his thoughts only one, avenge her hurt.
Baridin vengeful smile, imagining Ratminah face and began to take a position, dirapalnya spell of ascetics, began to imagine concentration Ratminah face with a vengeance and lust hatred.
Now already 20 days 20 nights, Baridin solitude, alone, recite mantras and meditated, while the sensation villagers heard that the flower Ratminah village became insane, never separated from the lip Ratminah Baridin mention, until before breathed their last in crazy circumstances that still Ratminah Baridin name. Baridin itself still fervently chanting the incantation, although his body has begun to waver after 38 days without drinking and eating, and night last night to four puluhnya exactly with the moon being bright finish Baridin meditation, with an already weak body was Baridin a satisfied smile, saying “I satisfied now, you could feel what I feel also Ratminah snob. “A moment later Baridin body collapsed, Baridin was imprisoned in place last breath, her body is weak after 40 days and 40 nights reading the incantation.